
Thematic areas

Student Access and Success

In many places across the globe – South Africa and the United States among them – the overwhelming cost of higher education prevents many promising young minds from unlocking the opportunities of learning. In South Africa, we saw this struggle manifest in the #FeesMustFall student uprising, while American students have gathered in protests in the #MillionStudentMarch. With scholarships and financial assistance, Unisa makes it possible for students coming from poor backgrounds to access education, thereby breaking down racial, financial and class barriers to education.

Through your support of Unisa, you can make a student´s dream of higher education a reality.

Creating the Next Generation of Academics

The "brain drain" from Africa is well-documented and poses a pronounced threat to the long-term development of the continent. This is true for many skilled professions, and academics are no exception. At Unisa, we believe in growing and nurturing our own talent for sustainable growth and quality in African education. By targeting the development of a new and young cohort of academics in various disciplines across the university, it becomes possible to build strong careers for these individuals while simultaneously sustaining the wealth of knowledge and skill garnered over the years.

Through your support of Unisa, you can build capacity on the continent for future learning.

Community Outreach and Engagement

The core businesses of Unisa are Teaching and Learning, Research and Innovation and Community Engagement. Unisa subscribes to an ethos of service to, and relevance in the community, through its vision, “The African University shaping futures in the service of humanity”. It strives to conduct its research and teaching and learning the ‘engaged way’, deploying ethical research and pedagogical methodologies in service of communities and taking into account indigenous knowledge systems. In 2012, Unisa committed itself to funding community engagement to embody this ethos. This was a huge step in demonstrating the university’s commitment to community engagement in a very real and tangible way. There are approximately 92 projects which require funding to augment Unisa’s investment.

Advancing Research and Innovation

In today´s world and economy, technology and innovation play an increasingly important role to spur and sustain growth and development. At the core, we see science, engineering and technology as playing a pivotal role in transforming developing economies. With tens of thousands of students currently in scientific study programmes, we have made significant investments in these fields, including the development of a dedicated Science Campus to advance knowledge and research to address national needs as well as seek sustainable solutions to some of the world´s most pressing challenges.

Through your support of Unisa, you can advance the frontiers of learning and safeguard tomorrow.

Last modified: Fri Aug 02 13:34:51 SAST 2024